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Hollywood Crush: The Twi-Fight Saga: Twilight Examiner Amanda Bell Picks Her Victor

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The Twi-Fight Saga: Twilight Examiner Amanda Bell Picks Her Victor
Oct 22nd 2012, 15:45

MTV News' Amanda Bell of Twilight Examiner shares her pick for victor.

Bella (Kristen Stewart) is totally going to win the Twi-Fight tournament. In "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2," she steps up as a fierce mama vamp who takes care of business, and every ounce of doubt about her built up throughout the series—poof!—vanishes. Her transformation is so drastic that even the world's most powerful vampires can't help but quiver in their snow boots. This is her moment to shine (literally) in the series, and voters won't forget that.

Her biggest competition is probably Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson). He's the eternal heartthrob, whose got a massive amount of devoted fans. In "Part 2," he gets to show his wife some real honeymooning, and the girls will definitely eat that up. Jacob (Taylor Lautner) probably won't take too huge a bite out of Bella's constituency, but Edward'll give her a first-hunt-paced run for her money.

Look for Bella to leap right into the winner's bubble-shielded circle for this one.

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Who will you be voting for in The Twi-Fight Saga? Who do you think will take the entire thing? Tell us in the comments and on Twitter!

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