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MTV Remote Control Blog: A Little Help For Our 'Inbetweeners' Friends: On The Topics Of Poop, Vomit And Legal Issues

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A Little Help For Our 'Inbetweeners' Friends: On The Topics Of Poop, Vomit And Legal Issues
Aug 21st 2012, 19:44

Those four naive boys comprising "The Inbetweeners" are entertaining without a doubt, but sometimes you just want to throw 'em a helping hand, or the world's largest lifeboat, to rescue them from death by humiliation. Each week, we're spotlighting the guys' most embarrassing moments from the current episode, and detailing how someone a teensy bit smoother might've wiggled their way out of the situation. Consider it a service to you, dear reader, so you never have to endure the same kind of ongoing shame.

The scenario: Simon professed his love for Carly--who was already turned off by his drunkenness--and proceeded to vom all over her kitchen, her lil' bro and...her. (And here we thought spray painting her driveway was the most embarrassing way to get up in her business.) Simon's puke-a-palooza was, well, horrifyingly gross. And then, just when we thought he'd cleaned up his mess, he went and did it again.

The takeaway: To start with, unless you want to sound creepier than the neighborhood's resident panel van driver, never call a crush "baby" more than once. Second, when about to blow chunks, aim for the sink. Sink = good. Dream girlfriend's hair = bad. Sink = good. Nine-year-old boy = bad. See where we're goin' with this? Hunched over the sink and sick out of his mind, Simon could have swung the situation into "It's just food poisoning, I swear, I'm so sorry" territory, and won Carly over in the end. Maybe she would have even nursed him back to health! And, another helpful note: Pre-gaming with a slice of bread might have prevented dear Simon from booting in the first place. Empty stomach + liquor = never sicker.

The scenario: To deter from student drug use, Grove High's bathrooms come sans-doors, meaning no one gets to poop in peace. So when Will needed to, ya know, drop a deuce, he hung his lame-o blazer over the door. When it fell down moments later, a free-for-all involving a pair of jocks and a cell phone camera commenced. Good times.

The takeaway: We'll give the kid props for making a door out of clothes--clearly, his island survival skills would be much greater than his goofy friends'--but he was missing out on one thing: an orchestra of distractions. Will could have avoided being made fun of at all if he'd taken the right precautions. A running sink and properly working hand dryer can certainly provide enough noise to draw attention away from your bathroom business. Simply turn on the faucet before entering the stall, ensuring that no one will hear you, well, evacuating the dance floor. And just leave the jacket at home.

The scenario: Will was feelin' like a pimp in class, shootin' smiles at girls and nabbin' a desk in the front row, until an Almighty voice came over the intercom and announced to the entire school that his mom had filed a lawsuit to make sure no one bullies him in any way, shape or form. Pretty terrible, especially those cringeworthy "his body isn't advancing as quickly as everyone else's" tidbits.

The takeaway: Don't be ashamed--milk that lawsuit for all it's worth! The school meathead makes fun of your bagged egg-salad sandwich lunch? Threaten legal action! The gym class teacher shouts at you to do more pull-ups? Threaten legal action! Pop quizzes? March straight to the principal's office guessed it... threaten legal action! How's that for untouchable?

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